With Mother’s Day approaching what a great new skill to learn for those perfect handmade gifts. A three-hour workshop that introduces students to the various sugar craft techniques that will turn the humble cookie into a work of art. Basic royal icing piping will be taught as well as sugar craft modelling techniques and hand crafted sugar paste flowers. Students will take home a batch decorated cookies. Suitable for all abilities, ingredients, materials and tools included.

Title: Creative Cookies (Spring 2025)

Tutor: Sally Davis
Time: 10:30am – 1:30pm
Date: Saturday 15th March 25
Price: £40

We recommend booking at least two weeks prior to the start date so we can be sure that the class has enough students to go ahead!

Age recommendation for adult courses is 19+.
All adult courses are created in partnership with Abingdon and Witney College and co-funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency. As we are in receipt of government funding, students will be asked to complete an enrolment form and evaluation diary for monitoring purposes. For more information, please contact the Creative Learning Officer at laura.walker@themillartscentre.co.uk.

This course takes place in the Long Room. Please note that regrettably this room is not accessible to wheelchair users due to necessary fire evacuation regulations.

Class information

When can I attend the class?

Date & Details Tickets & Pricing

Book Online

Very limited availability! Only 5 tickets left. Saturday 15 Mar 2025
Starts: 10:30

Standard £40.00

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