New classes coming to The Mill, have you always loved dancing, or fancied learning to ballroom dance? Come and join our new over 50+ class. You don’t have to have a partner, we will cover Ballroom, Latin and some popular sequence dances. Your teacher has been teaching in the Banbury area for 40 years. Classes will be fun and at a gentle pace and the opportunity to meet new friends.

Title: Introduction to Ballroom and Latin Dancing 50+ (Spring 2025)

Tutor: Glenda Harper
Time: 11:45am – 12:45pm
Dates: Wednesday 8th January, Wednesday 5th February, Wednesday 5th March
Price: £6 per person

We recommend booking at least two weeks prior to the start date so we can be sure that the class has enough students to go ahead!

This course takes place in the Dance Studio. Please note that regrettably this room is not accessible to wheelchair users due to necessary fire evacuation regulations.

Class information

When can I attend one of the three Introduction to Ballroom and Latin Dancing 50+ (Spring 2025) classes?

Date & Details Tickets & Pricing

Book Online

Very limited availability! Only 8 tickets left. Wednesday 05 Mar 2025
Starts: 11:45

Adult £6.00

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